Monday, June 23, 2014

A Yummy Jewel Jar Reward!

The children are always very creative when it comes to coming up with ideas for their next jewel jar reward! "Cotton Candy Day" was one we hadn't heard before! We were fortunate enough to have a wonderful guest show the children how cotton candy is made.  The children were amazed!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Little Red Hen

Our class was introduced to "The Little Red Hen" when we were learning about the "en" word family.  Jack And The Beanstalk was such a hit in our classroom recently. It seemed pretty likely that the students would love this classic story too!  We read many different versions of this story.  The children got a real kick out of comparing the different animals in each book.  We made clothespin animals to represent the characters and the students enjoyed retelling the story with them.

In each version of the story, the Little Red Hen bakes something (most often bread).  The children had the opportunity to make bread dough and bake it.  They loved eating it too!  Most of the children asked for extra slices!

We made salt dough again! The students had a ball forming their buns, tortillas, pretzels, cookies, pancakes, etc. They look realistic but they are as hard as can be! Now these "baked goodies" are a wonderful addition to our house centre!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thank You Miss Donna!

We enjoyed another wonderful story time session with Miss Donna from the CK Library on Thursday. Miss Donna has been visiting our classroom every month this year and we feel so fortunate! Miss Donna always has the best books, songs, and finger plays! Miss Donna is also ready and willing to round up books for our classroom every time we start a new inquiry! Please consider visiting the Children's Room in the library this summer! Miss Donna would love to see you!


Our school yard was full of dandelions in the middle of May and we decided to check them out!  It didn't seem to take long before the dandelions were changing! We decided to go for another walk through the yard and we had a ball running though the fields of dandelions and making wishes and bouquets with these fluffy wonders. We took pictures of the children blowing the dandelion seeds and making wishes.  We were learning about word families so it seemed like the perfect time to investigate the "ish" family! The next time you are in the school drop by to see the photographs, art and writing...all about their wishes! 

Monday, June 02, 2014

Fun With Scooters On "Wheel Day"

Our latest jewel jar reward was very enjoyable! The children lined their scooters up in their "parking spots" in the hallway this morning. The forecast was calling for rain most of the day so we took our bikes and the childrens' scooters out in the morning. They rode them in a big loop around the primary playground equipment.  In the afternoon, the rain still hadn't started so we went back outside with the scooters for extra laps!  

Jack And The Beanstalk - Part 2

The children worked very hard making a beanstalk and the Giant's castle. They castle was constructed out of styrofoam pieces (thank you Mrs. Pillon!). When it was built they painted it and added the finishing touches.  They did a wonderful job!