Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Little Red Hen

Our class was introduced to "The Little Red Hen" when we were learning about the "en" word family.  Jack And The Beanstalk was such a hit in our classroom recently. It seemed pretty likely that the students would love this classic story too!  We read many different versions of this story.  The children got a real kick out of comparing the different animals in each book.  We made clothespin animals to represent the characters and the students enjoyed retelling the story with them.

In each version of the story, the Little Red Hen bakes something (most often bread).  The children had the opportunity to make bread dough and bake it.  They loved eating it too!  Most of the children asked for extra slices!

We made salt dough again! The students had a ball forming their buns, tortillas, pretzels, cookies, pancakes, etc. They look realistic but they are as hard as can be! Now these "baked goodies" are a wonderful addition to our house centre!