Friday, October 03, 2014

Jewel Jar Update

The jewel jar was getting close to being full at the end of September.  We had not discussed what we trying to earn.  The children offered some incredible ideas:
1. Stuffed Animal Day: We already a Stuffed Animal Day in September!  Apparently it was a big hit the first time!
2. Building Day: The idea was to have a day of designing and constructing.
3. P. J. Day: This sounded like a comfy way to spend a day.
4. Friends Day: This was an idea we had never heard before.  The idea was we would invite another class or groups of children from other classes to our classroom for a "playdate".  What an excellent idea!

You can see how the vote turned out!  Stay tuned for the date of Stuffed Animal Day #2.  The jewel jar is almost full!